Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving in Antler

Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving in Antler

Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving is very nice carving. It is made from the main bottom material of the deer shed antler (local antler), use the biggest part, so this material is suitable to use for bone handle knife.

Image of Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving

Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving has size around 130-150 mm height and it is carved only by special master carved. For your reference you can see the pictures as follows.

Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick (front image)
Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving in Antler (front image)
Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving in Antler (back image)
Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving in Antler (back image)

From the image above, the material is carved only on the top one and the rest it keeps it natural.

If you like to have like this carving, it is depend on the availability of the material. Sometimes it is difficult to get the material even to get bigger material is more and more difficult.

Elephant Head Walking Handle Stick Carving is produced in our beautiful island, Bali which is located in Indonesia. Bali is often called as a thousand of temple cause in Bali you will find many temple even in Hinduism Balinese house. Most of Balinese are Hindu.



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