Now we will show you one of our collection that we have ever made is Snake Bone Knife Handle Carving. This item is made only by our special master carver and also made from special material from fish bone. The material is solid and shiny like walrus bone. You can see that the bone knife handle is carved very detail and has high value of carving.
Image of Snake Bone Knife Handle Carving
For your reference, below you can 3 images of this snake bone knife handle.

The size of the bone knife handle is about 123 mm long and 45 mm width.
If you are interested to buy this item, please contact us first cause we can not guarantee that this item is available. Snake Bone Knife Handle is made in Bali, Indonesia.
I would like to know how much for a snake Handle for a cane, Rattlesnake Head
We are sorry for handle we do not accept an order. Thank you.
I would like to know if you can make it in the style of the horned viper Sonoran Desert Horned Viper for the handle of a walking stick?
Please show picture for our reference. Thank you.